Ava Astrological Chart Necklace

The Astrological Chart Necklace is designed based on your birth date, time and place. It is a picture of the sky at the moment that you were born. The chain is divided in 12 equal parts as per the zodiac circle. Each part begins with one sign. The symbols of the 10 planets are placed according to their position in the sky at your birth. The rising sign, the descendant, the midheaven and the imum coeli are marked with 4 large gemstones, the other 8 houses with small gemstones.

It is a unique piece made especially for you.

Natal Chart Necklace in 18k gold and emeralds

Natal Chart Necklace in 18k gold and emeralds

Natal Chart Neckage in 18k gold and rubies - photo: Vogue Brazil 2016

Astrological Chart Neckage in 18k gold and rubies - photo: Vogue Brazil 2016

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